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Dog Behaviourist

Chewing?Pulling? Aggressive?

Helping you sort out your dog's behaviour.

Qualified Dog Behaviourist in Leeds

As a qualified dog behaviourist based in north Leeds, I’m available to help you with all types of dog behaviour and training problems. 

Along with almost a lifetime spent with dogs plus a boarding and day care business, I’ve spent a number of years formally studying animal behaviour.  I have many examples of individuals and families with whom I have helped resolve issues and would encourage you to take a look at the testimonials on my website and facebook page to see their satisfaction levels.



My job is to help you and your dog understand each other better so you can have the reliable companion and loyal friend that you were undoubtedly hoping for. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy for an unwanted behaviour to set in and it’s here that a dog behaviourist with sound knowledge, a keen eye and solid experience can help you out. 


The problems I help solve are hugely varied but include: aggression towards people and dogs (including biting); fear, phobias and anxiety; barking; destructive behaviours; repetitive behaviour; separation anxiety; pulling on the lead; jumping up; and anti-social behaviour. 


That’s just a few and they’re all unique.


I know it can feel overwhelming with the unlimited internet information and multiple facebook forums to find the solution that suits your dog.  My approach is positive, modern and ethical with a clear understanding of breed-specific training.




When things go wrong, it can be frustrating, time consuming and wreak havoc with your day-to-day life. If you’re ready to get your relationship with your canine friend on the right track, get in touch. I’m looking forward to helping you and your dog with clarity of advice and a bespoke solution.

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